Sunday, February 1, 2009

I love the back to school....

I love the new haircuts...the shiny shoes...the excitement of new classmates... buying new stationary ...great big school bags full of yummy lunches ... covering new -non dog eared- books....

and of course those special things that end up covering the fridge.. the noticeboards ...the beds... the tables etc by the end of is Aarons first piece of year 1 work -when I was on holidays I played Star Wars-....
and there is also Regans ribbons from the swimming carnival last friday .. 3rd in breaststroke ...2nd in junior freestyle relay and a dubious 3rd in freestyle... yet again she suprised me all round .. go girl go.....

And again another few shots of the local wildlife ... these two guys are living together in the water container of one of my hanging pots .... I love having them around...

Till later

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