Wednesday, October 24, 2012

It's been a month!!

And lots has happened:

Grandma and Grandpop were here for two weeks....

so we met up with them on their way here for 4 days camping at Frying Pan Creek State Forest....

of course the water was freezing but that didn't bother the kids...

Shane has laid the turf around the pool and the poles have gone up for the shade sail...( you'll have to excuse the state of the pool its been very windy here over the last few days)

The turtles are now big enough to go outside without being targeted by the birds and are enjoying the freedom of walking around... I had them inside the pool fence so the dogs couldn't get too close, they're pretty quick little guys when they are both heading off in different directions. I'm pretty sure salt water is no good for them.

The boys have been doing some gardening....

And looking very cool while doing so...

There's been some twilight motorbike riding...

And even some scrapbooking going on...

I have applied for two more jobs, got an interview next week for one and waiting on the closing date for the other. And I have even scored a couple of days as a teachers aide next week.... maybe I wont be frying chips for the rest of my life.

Till later...