that these two love to play footsies when they're having brecky...
We've had a busy week or two..... I was called back to work on Wed because they were getting so busy .... i wasn't impressed but the kids took it quite well ... I think they enjoyed spending the last few days with dad.... on Tue a log truck came speeding around the corner in front of the shop blasting its horn and within seconds the whole thing had rolled over and there were logs everywhere... we rushed out and thank God it was early and there weren't many cars or people about. .. somehow the driver managed to get out ( a bit worse for wear) and had only damaged one car ..... we all spent the morning in a very hyped up state......
The Moodys came down from Armidale last weekend for a very relaxing and enjoyable stay ... definantly our turn to head up there next time... Aarons had parties, Regans had visits and sleepovers and unfortunantly come monday Shane has to return to work as well... the kids will spend the next week and (something) with Nan.

Couldn't resist this shot ...Aaron is very taken with his new priate ship...
Regan, Danielle and I made Pancakes for brecky on Sat morning which they decided would be much better blue.....that was great to start with.....

but I don't think Regan was really keen...
and finally I am slowly but surely catching up on my scrapping - I think this photo is from June...... and no Mum I havn't forgoten about your cards.... they're still in the pipeline.

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