I bought a voucher for a canvas print months ago through catch of the day and realised weekend before last that it was due to expire, so out we all went during the breaks in the rain for a family photo shoot. All my photos in the house are black and white so I thought a change was due and I picked the most colourful background I could find. The guys at Fabness were excellent... I sent the pic to them on Monday and the canvas was on my doorstep on Thursday. Looks kind of cute I recon....

Shane spent the last two weekends ripping up the turf and clearing the area for the pool..... The kids followed behind him picking up the worms and grubs to give to the chooks and I helped out for about 1/2 hour before I realised it was way to much like hard work and used the excuse of 'getting dinner ready' to get back inside....
My hamstrings were killing me the next morning but I didn't dare let Shane know....
And ever since then it has rained... and rained.... and rained so our rather expensive rain gauge is sitting on the other side of the shed patiently waiting.....

In unrelated news I caught these pics of Regan during her last game.... go that intercept...pity about the laces

and she had a double sleepover during the long weekend.. Abby was here Friday night (2am bedtime) then they both went to Abbys Sat night (4am bedtime) and back home for Sunday (she was sound asleep by 7pm...)

And as for scrapping.... I completed these two which I started at the last Tuncurry Crop day... the colours are all wrong in this photo but I don't suppose it matters.... The wording says 'when you get going there is no stopping you but oh that start'

Now for some random pics..... the dogs are as friendly as ever

and how does this even happen??

Till Later
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