Named after the Greek Titan Talos - a massive giant made of bronze that was given to Europe by Zeus to protect her and the isle of Crete...
Now I know what your saying - 'wasn't the last post about the loss of Todd, out with the old and in with the new' wasn't like that at all.. We have had our name down for a long hair, male, straight back german shepherd since we looked after Haydes but after Todd died Koda ( the coolie) was very lonely and bored.... We rang the breader and said we would take any puppy, boy, girl, long or short so she bumped us up a bit and offered us this cutey.. She thinks he will be a semi long coat like his gorgeous dad Simba (below)
School holidays are all over and we didn't get to do much with the kids this time so it was nice to take the drive to Wisemans Ferry to pick him up.... we went via Galston George driving past both of my grandarents old houses and bringing back quite a few good memories...
The shop where i work finally sold just before the holidays (hense no time off with the kids) Its sad to see the old bosses go, we also lost most of the staff - its only Carly and I left to train a new boss as well as 4 new staff - happy days are coming.......
Not to sure about the new clientele either
Shane and Regan have been hitting the gardens and they are looking so much better for it.....
The gardens that is not the family members...
The birds and bees certainly agree with me...

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