So again, in short...
There has been more netball - the U11 development team went to Port a couple of Sundays ago and came 2nd in 1st division - well done girls!!!

Aaron performed with his class in drama competition in which they won best play.... He was a limerick knight -for those of you that know aaron and how he speaks (he has dyspraxia) you will understand why it took me two days to work out what he was.

Shane and I popped down to Sydney so he could get some more work done on his tattoo and I spotted this cute thong heart...

The kids sung at the Rememberance Day ceremony

And went to the school disco dressed as Zac Power and Nancy Drew...

Check out Aaron showing the whole school his moves..

I managed to fill the house, not to mention the shed and garage with forms and boxes

The birds have been hanging around in the front must be spring

Talking of birds I took this photo of a Kookaburra - check him out - he's pooping, what are the chances??? Maybe I should send it to national geographic?

Shane 'pruned' the fruit trees.... leaving me two leaves on each tree...

The tickets are starting to accumilate to the end of winter sport functions...Ahhhhh to have out weekends back.

and I managed to do yet another scrap page.... at this rate (1 every 6 weeks) I should work through my photos by about, uh, 2025. This one is the monthly scrap challange over at Scrapsidaisy....I found it a bit hard as there were lots of flowers and i'm not known for florally LO's.

My life seems to be getting back on track and more organised so I should see you again soon.
PS: saying that our new boss starts on Tue?!!?
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