Yes thats right, normally I can't help myself and I have to help Regan with her homework, you know offer suggestions, maybe change a few words around or steer her down a different track but not this time. She had to write a page - not using any books - on what she knows about Hitler after she had been to a talk by a survivor of the hollocaust. And she came up with this all written out on Sun morning while I was having a sleep in. I'm sooo very proud, it's well written, truthful and it flows... .Yeah to Regan.

Sat was the start of the Netball season and we were straight into it with canteen duty at 8:30 on day one..... Regan is playing defence this year which is just right for her... she gives it her best in the circle but she is a tad too short... WD is just right...
Aaron even had a go on the motorbike on Sunday - these photos were taken before he managed to come off the quad and string himself up on the side fence ... we own 4 1/2 acres.. I have no idea what possesses him to ride so close the the fence.
Anyway he gave the motorbike a crack and was doing pretty well, unfortunantly with Aarons low tone etc comes a lack of balance as you can see in the last pic... slowly but surely

PS: Grandpop...since you did such a great job with Regan we've decided to let you teach Aaron on his pushy when you get here next...

We're doing up the patio at the moment and picked up this cute fire pot at Bunnings for $4 - got you one two Mum, let me know if you want more...
And of course last but not least ... I've been scrapping...
Regan in the van last Nov...

and the kids month by month 2010

Till later
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