I was pulled over by one of these on Sat on the way back from Hockey... now I know I wasn't going really fast but yes maybe a few KM over the limit..... all I could think of is god dam Shane is not going to be happy if I come home with a speeding fine.... anyway ... he gave me a strange look ... asked if the car was registered in my name (please let my new buzz box not be stolen) then where had I come from... and then he asked me
" Do you have anyone in your boot?"
What!!!! He actually looked a bit embarrassed and didn't bother checking but had been told my car had been seen loading up with teenagers...
Never the less he sent me on my way and didn't even say anything about my speed.... I don't understand how "the young people of today" -(how old do I sound?) have no respect for the police - they still send shivers down my spine while I wonder what it is I've done wrong.

Did you realise that you could train your tongue??? Regan has been practicing ever since she realised that Aaron could twist his upside down... and now she too can do it.... Aaron not to be outdone has informed her that he can turn his both to the left and the right which she just can't seem to master....
Keep practicing sweetie!!

Regan entered her first eisteddfod last week with her drama group and we are all just tickled pink with how well she did - especially her.
As a group they performed in the Dance Drama section with a piece from Cats - for this they came second..... and then they split into smaller groups to compete in the unscripted drama where they are given a topic, then 5 min to come up with a 2 min play....
Her group came 1st and I think she is still on cloud nine about it... It is great to see her achieve in something she loves and to find that thing that she is really good at.

We had a great mothers day at the football in Newcastle... Aaron, all dressed in his Titans gear seemed dwarfed in a sea of blue and red.. you've got to give it to the Knights supporters they are very vocal...... He had the best time.. the hat was thrown on the ground in disgust a few times and the popcorn in the ear was to drown out the roars of the crowd but it was a close game that the Titans ended up winning making him leave a very happy man.
Now on to the scrapbooking. The weekly challenges are still running over at Scrapsidaisy...
This week wasn't a sketch but instead a herritage page.... and here is the very first one I've ever done ... how beautiful are my Mum and Gran, Regan actually thought the bride was me, anyone who knows us will know that we look very alike...

and last weeks was a sketch which I used to scrap this years school photos....
Why don't you give them a go ... you'll find them here.

and mum needed a few cards to hand out so I made her these....

Till later..
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