This guy is Regans and is a Maquarie...

and this is Aarons Krefft...

Now Aaron and I are big Dr Seuss fans so when we decided to get turtles I was really hoping for a Yertle and a Mack ..... but of course nothing to do with the kids ever turns out the way I want so ..... drum roll pse...... pse welcome SHELLY ( I know not real original but it gets worse) and DARK TURTLE ( and no we are not allowed to call him Darky or DT for short ... we even tried for Darth Turtle with a bit of a Star Wars theme but were knocked back). Aaron has a habit of calling things by their description not a name hense ... bear, stick, blacky, happy, the list goes on..... god only knows what he will call his kids.....
To get the turtles we had to travel to Sydney so we decided to stay the night ... we stayed at the Vibe hotel Kirribilli just a few minutes walk to Luna Park and the beauty of Sydney harbour.... We spent Wed at the park and to my amazement there was nothing the kids wouldn't get on...... Aaron just managed to reach the over 130cm cut off so was legal for all the fun......by the end of the day Shane and I were rock, paper, sissoring to see who would have to get on with them as although they thought they were fine we were still a bit worried about how they would cope....

That's them in car no. 2

and on the pirate ship

I'm not a big ride person myself and am truely dreading the next visit to the QLD theme parks..
In other news ..... we managed to paint the cubby house the other day ... the kids picked their own colours and had two walls each... we have bought some purple paint for the trim but haven't had a dry day to paint them yet...
I will share the end result when finished

And on the scrapping front.....
I was lucky enough to be picked to spend the next six months on the Scrapsidaisy design team ..... i've picked up my goodies and have done a few pages to be shown at the Round Up this weekend .... I'll show you later.....
This one is for the Jan Challange over at the forum and I have now officially started on those chrissy photos....I'll be getting rid of some more at Debbie's class tomorrow.

Till then..
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