We've been doing lots of baking today and I'm very impressed by the smell of banana bread coming from my kitchen at the moment.....mum the receipe is....
3-4 ripe bananas
2 1/2 cups S/R flour
1 1/4 cups brown sugar
2/3 cup sour cream
2 eggs
1 tbsp vanilla
1 teaspoon salt
1 teaspoon cinnamon
in the oven for 1 hour at 160 (fan forced)

and of course what is school holidays without a large and very messy tent placed annoyingly in the middle of a busy room!?!?
Last weekend Shane and I along with his dad, sister and brother in law rode up to Sheba Dam just out of Nundle for the Ducati Thunder Rally.... we met up with Shanes brother, his wife and 4 of their mates for a creat couple of days.......COLD though.. I have never been so cold as I was on the way from Gloucester to Walcha and mind you I have had to dig myself out of my tent in Nepal after a snowstorm..... have sailed around the southern most point of Australia on a tall ship and gone pretty close to the artic circle through Alaska......but never have I been frozen through to the bone like that... It didn't seem to matter how many layers I put on I just couldn't defrost.....at least it didn't rain!
the group...

just the boys...

bet Jaimies not impressed he missed this one... he of course is YEA 74

and whats a post without a layout or two.....
Mad scientist day at school

a 60th card requested by mum for one of her good mates...

Till next time...
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