These are the trees we had cut down a few months ago....isn't it amazing that they would grow back tiny little shoots where such a big tree one stood.... got to give it to nature...
Not much to report family wise... all is going well... getting rather cold here at night now....
I'm out of town for the next few weekends.... This Sat I head to Newcastle for my "Girl Guide" training.... when I first took over we had 4 girls which has now grown to 15 great girls and I love working with them but the whole 'training' thing is freaking me out a bit.... I'm not exactly very -gung ho- about it.... lets just hope they dont expect me to put on a skit on Sat night....
To happier things the following weekend (and a few days into the next week) I'm off to visit my mum in Coffin Bay for her 60th.... very much looking forward to that one... Shane and the kids are staying at home..... I don't know if any of you have tried to book flights lately but I'm sure it's not as simple as it used to be.... to get the cheapest deal I'm flying out of Newcastle to Melbourne to Adelaide to Port Lincoln but on the way back I'm going Port Lincoln to Adelaide to Sydney to Port Maquarie.... thats 6 flights on 4 different airlines and departing and arriving in two differnt towns.... and as of last night all but one of the flights has been amended by the airline and I'm cutting my times finer and finer each time.....

What do you think mum? something like this could be just what I need... it would also give me somewhere to store all the winter quilts I've got from Denise..

.... and of course I've done the bare minimum of scrapbooking ..... look out 2009, not far off now. This LO looked quite nice at home, but now I've seen it here it's a bit plain.... might need to fiddle a bit.
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