This is my brother - right way up. On sunday he was meant to fly out on a one month holiday of a life time to all sorts of places including Japan, England, Asterdam, Bahrain and more, however..... boys will be boys and he decided that he could race the day of his midnight flight.... No prizes for guessing what happened.... He came off and managed to graze his little finger all the way down to nothing.... I can feel you squirming from here... apparently its not needed and after surgery it seems he will be able to fly out in a few days....makes my finger tip slicing look like a paper cut.
The kids had a good weekend, the weather was good and they could finally get out and play, Regan used the ride on all by herself (if she leans over far enough she has good control on forwards and reverse, neither her or Shane seemed to mind that the brake is way over the other side of the machine).... scored the only goal in a very tight 4 - 1 defeat at netball, and as the pictures above show, has been practicing her circus tricks ... Aaron didn't apreciate that she was using his shovel and promptly confiscated it ... brothers ?!? ...
all was forgiven in the end.
Regan finally finished off all her invites, she picked out the colours, designed and made them all by herself.... one happy little camper.
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