I'm quite enjoying challanges at the moment ... I think i'm just being lazy ... it's nice to be told what to do when the mojo isn't exactly flowing ...here's mine for this months Aussie scrapjacked.
All is well here at the end of another school week .... finally, it has stopped raining and we have been blessed with a beautiful warm day ... I can hear about 5 different mowers going at the moment and am just about to jump on ours ... hopefully I can get this jungle under control before it rains again.
I had a arvo tea with the teachers and other mums from Aarons Early Intervention group today, it was good to speak to the other mums in my position and realise that they are just as unsure as me as to how their kids are "really" going. Ros gave us some great handouts however about just the right questions to ask, overall a very informative time. Went to pick the kids up to find Aaron in tears - sobs - because someone else had taken home his Spot the dog drawing. He gets so attached to his things...
great LO, love it
Great page Leah the colors really suit the photo. I just had a look at your new scraproom and my mouth just dropped so much space you are sooo lucky I have my own room but its little would love all this space cant wait to see more photos :)
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