Even the young fella had to play Hockey in the rain on the long weekend.....

We sent Regan on a Girl Guide camp to a property in Waughope (sorry I know thats not how it is spelt) for the long weekend.... the girls did so well in the horrible conditions ... we spent all day Sat waiting for the phone call to say they were coming home but it didn't come till Sun night when they were evacuated.... they had to leave camp by foot and all their tents/ stretchers etc are still up there.... It was quite the adventure - 16 girls in tents cooking over open fires with pit toilets and only one bath.... they can now deal with anything....
While she was away we tried to surprise her by turning her bedroom from this...

to this......
we had told her she was going to get her room redone for her birthday but this was the only opportunity we would have to do it as a surprise

The colours are (I think) brilliant - Taubmans Kanimbla Blue for most of the walls and Sea Isle for the alcove around her bed.... she also got a new desk and bed in a gloss white .... very grown up...
and as for the latest on the dogs....

how could you not forgive this face.....

We had rung Steve last week and told him that we couldn't look after him as we were worried he would transfer his guinea pig obsession to the chooks ..... but after behaving himself sooo well all week and after much persuasion on mine and the kids part Shane has relented (it wasn't very hard - he's just as soft as me)and we made a last minute call to see if it wasn't too late to keep looking after him... He has promised to keep getting on with Koda and not to eat any other member of the family....