Well sort of... the kids are back at school and the work routine is back to normal... just waiting now to find out what days the kids activities are on, this year Aaron is sticking to Hockey and Dance while Regan is doing Netball and Guides again but swaping Drama for Karate......
As with everywhere, it was bloody hot here last week.... Aaron was having trouble sleeping.....

and we even had to bring Toddy inside.... he hates being in the house but he doesn't cope well with the heat anymore and I thought we might loose him .....he sat there all day Saturday looking out but knew what was good for him and didn't try to leave..

and what happens when your aircon refuses to work?????....

the new one is on its way....
We took Koda to the beach for the first time last weekend.... check out that tongue.... He has always had trouble with water, wont be washed without a struggle and is scared of the hose.... the beach is no exception... he didn't mind being wet once he got in there but there was no way he was getting wet on his own.... baby steps I suppose...

The solar pannels are on and were connected on Mon - just two days after the last reading.... it's going to be very interesting to see what our bill will be and exactly how long it will take to pay for itself.... even though there seems to be pannels everywhere you cant see any of them from the street...

how beautiful are these.... I bought them at Shop Handmade while I was in Canberra (they are made by Brenda, check out her fantastic handmade stuff
here) one was for me and the other a gift to go with the Thanks card in the last post but I'm having trouble saying bye to one.... when I decide which one I like best I'll post the other off...

and lastly.. mum wanted an unconventional wedding card for some friends getting married soon... I later added their initials above the 'true'...

Till later...