Feeling a little like I'm doing this post backwards, sooo we shall start before the holidays and then end up now .... (I don't think that makes sense but anyway...)
We spent the week before the school holidays at Royal Far West.... Aaron did sooooo well, his physio was non committal as usual but his OT was mightily impressed by his improvement and is hoping to discharge him next time .... the kids were both given reading assessments and we met a great speech therapist.... the pead wants him to see a psych about what she believes might be a slight anxiety disorder ... but we already were thinking along those lines .... so in all ... four days well spent and hopefully only one more trip down.
While we were there though, of course the kids spent every morning at the beach ... it was three surfers in wetsuits and our two kids ... feeling no cold at all.

We did a bit of wedding outfit shopping and Shane got the outline to the bottom half of his sleeve tattooed. I'd still like to get one myself but judging by this it's not something we can both afford to be doing...

After returning from RFW on the Thur we packed Regan off again on another Girl guide camp.... I had to have her in Port Maquarie by 6:30 sun morning and I didn't pick her up until Wed arvo... They went inland of Coffs Harbour and had a ball - apparently not missing us one bit ... wish I took a pic of her on return - not looking so chipper anymore ... she slept in until 8:30 Thur morning and trust me that's a record for her...

The rest of the holidays went along as normal .... I didn't have much time off work because of the week in Syd so the kids did a bit of a rotation between Nans and Vacation Care... I did manage to get last Thur off and low and behold it wasn't a bad day so I threw the kids and their best mates in the car and went to Saltwater ... I'm not overly keen on taking other peoples kids to the beach so we went to the lagoon ... it was great ... water was beautiful and not to deep ... we ended up staying for about 4 hours and I even managed to return all children with no sunburn ....not too bad considering I had my two whities and two redheads..

Shane managed to tape up the van and change it from grotty old white...

to grey undercoat....

and then to speckled?????

Not really aloud to talk about that much ... he had a bit of an issue with his paint gun and needed to bring in the heavy artillery, he had to borrow the huge compressor from Dads ... anyway its all fixed now and looking mighty dapper (can't say the same for Shane's shed - there is paint splattered from the ceiling, down the roller doors and all over the floor - you can imagine the language) ... when it finally gets released into the sunlight and gets it's new stickers I'll take another pic..
And that's about it.... back to normal this week with everyone back to work and school ... only 9 more weeks till the next holidays ....
Not finding much time at the moment to get into the craft room ... it really needs a good clean before I try to produce anything but through the mess I've done these in the last couple of weeks....

I even found Aarons school photos and realised I hadn't scraped them yet..

Till later...