Should be on a Girl Guide Camp this weekend in Wauchope but for those that live around here you'll know why I'm sitting at home..... it's been raining for 3 days straight now and so it was cancelled ... apparently the girls from Coffs couldn't even get down.... must be a bit worse up north...
So here I am at home looking around at the hundreds of things I could be doing (we had visiters last weekend and I haven't done a major clean since then) but I've decided that since I wasn't meant to be here anyway I might do nothing and any thing I do do is a bonus.
Actually right now I'm watching this....

again .... i think it's the third time Aaron has put it on.
A few random photos.....
This is our vegi patch ... just putting it out there.... it's looked like this for the last 2 years and Shane has told me that this year he's getting in and planting it out.... lets just wait and see eh...

little bits of green are starting to come through in the forrest again... it's quite amazing how quickly the grass and trees recover....

This is Shane and his mulch pile.... could be a while before we see the bottom of this stuff....

What do you think mum? The symbol is under a glass slide and the background I did with shaving cream and food colouring... let me know if it's OK and I will send it on mon...

and of course a LO... this ones from a camping trip earlier on in the year...

Till later